The Dark is Rising

The Dark is Rising series is a great read. When I was about 10 maybe, my grandmother bought me the entire series as a present. I couldn't put them down. It was a tremendous five novels.

It is about a boy. He is the youngest of, I think, seven. He becomes the youngest and last of the wizards. All the while during his journeys, he must keep the secret from his parents and brothers and sisters.

Great series. I would go a little more in detail, but it's been a while since I read them last.

Have a great one!


Joshua Wanger said...

I cannot believe myself, but because it's been so long since I read this the first time, I forgot that in the first and third books, the main charactors are not the boy (Will), but the main charactors are: Jane, Simon, and Barney. The second, fourth and fifth is where Will comes into play. Also in the fifth, the main charactors of all the books come together into the one book.

Anonymous said...

freak of nature how can you read this much.