The Religion War -- Scott Adams

General Cruz gets what he wants. Always. But in this thought experiment continued, this is put to the ultimate test. Scott Adams has created in God's Debris and it's sequel The Religion War something that he dubbed a "thought experiment". It dives into the controversial and deeply wound ideas of religion and belief.

Although nonreligious at heart, The Religion War makes it a large part of the story; basing many ideas on the theory of God.

Based in the forties--2040's that is--it places you in the lives of General Horatio Cruz, a Christian Infidel in command of the entire Christian world (making him more powerful than any president); al-Zee, the leader of the Muslim world; and the Avatar, an all-knowing former package delivery man (read "God's Debris"). A terrible war was brewing between the two leaders' territories.

Al-Zee, who in 2007 came to power, was now waging small scale war with the Christian World: bombing no one of major importance, or anything irreplaceable. But when Cruz became the leader of the Christian Alliance, he could not allow this to continue. He was planning something no one was expecting, something horrible, something only a pervicacious mad-man would consider: extermination.

The Avatar, being all-knowing and able to recognize deep patterns where others saw none, is trying to do his duty: stopping the largest scale war in history. But first he must find the one person who can influence the necessary changes: the Prime Influencer.

The Religion War is a magnificent work by a cartoonist, although there isn't any of Dilbert here.

Quote From Book

"'Before I turn your guts into jam, how about you tell me everything I need to know. It's a little courtesy I like to extend to my guests. No one has ever taken me up on the offer, but I feel it's only fair to put it out there. Let's say that you figure out what questions I need to ask and then you just answer them. If you make me ask the obvious questions over and over, I'm going to get tired. And that makes me cranky. You don't want that.'

"'Very well,' replied the Avatar. 'And again, I am truly sorry.'"

  • Author Biography

  • Other Books

    • The Dilbert Principle

    • Dogbert's Top Secret Management Handbook

    • The Dilbert Future

    • The Joy of Work

    • God's Debris

    • Dilbert and the Way of the Weasel

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