Pendragon series (newer series)
This series is a great read. I am currently waiting for my mom to buy the 6th (or is it 7th) book.
it's about a boy named Bobby. He is the boy everyone wants to be. One day he is late for a basketball game and his crush walks into his house and they both confess their love for each other and kiss. While they are kissing his uncle walks in. he he. he just laughs. after the girl leaves (cant remember her name) they get on a really expensive looking motorcycle and head off into the badlands of New York. they stop at a abandoned train station and walk in. inside they meet Saint Dane (a really evil guy who wants to destroy everything). Bobby is told to go down the tracks and find the door with a star on it. he does and when he goes through it he ends up in a world called denduron. him and his uncle have to find a way to stop Saint Dane from destroying that and all the other territories (there are (i think) ten).
great books.
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