God's Debris

A truly great book. Magnificent to the very end.

Written by the same genius who writes the Dilbert comics, this book really makes you think about life and why we are here. Scott Adams states in the Introduction:

This is not a Dilbert book. It contains no humor. I call it a 132-page thought experiment wrapped in a fictional story.

And it truly is! Throughout the entire book, I was thinking about things. My life, why am I here?, who is God?, Why did he create the Universe?, etc.

This is not a religious book and you can take whatever you want from it.

The story contains no violence, no sexual content, and
no offensive language. But the ideas expressed by the characters
are inappropriate for young minds. People under the
age of fourteen should not read it.

As you can tell, he thinks that young minds would become to enthralled in it and start to believe everything it says.

It is about a man who knows literally everything and a package delivery guy. When the delivery guy brings a package to the old man, he becomes entranced in the old man's cryptic questions. They spend what seems like days together. Talking about why this and why that.

He stared at me and rocked, sizing me up, perhaps, or maybe he was lost in a replay. I had already said what I needed to say, so I stood silently for what seemed too long.
I thought I saw the wake of a smile, or maybe it was a muscle
tremor. He spoke in the deliberate manner of a man who
had not used his voice in days and asked a strange question.

“If you toss a coin a thousand times, how often will it
come up heads?”

This book encorporates some small humor with a lot of thinking questions. Scott's advice for maximum enjoyment is:

For maximum enjoyment, share God’s Debris
with a smart friend and then discuss it while enjoying a tasty


Click here for a link to God's Debris. There is also information on where you can buy the book. You will have access to a few pages.

The sequal to this book is The Religion War.

Click here for a link to The Religion War and for information on where it is sold. You may also have access to a few pages of the story.

The image above is from Amazon.com's God's Debris page.

The Illearth War

Great Great Great Great book!

The second in the Thomas Covenant series.

We again join our hero, Thomas Covenant in the Land. He is back to fight Lord Foul once more. Only this time, it will be more trying than any other time in his life.

One of the best books I have ever read. That is all I have to say.

Pendragon series (newer series)

This series is a great read. I am currently waiting for my mom to buy the 6th (or is it 7th) book.

it's about a boy named Bobby. He is the boy everyone wants to be. One day he is late for a basketball game and his crush walks into his house and they both confess their love for each other and kiss. While they are kissing his uncle walks in. he he. he just laughs. after the girl leaves (cant remember her name) they get on a really expensive looking motorcycle and head off into the badlands of New York. they stop at a abandoned train station and walk in. inside they meet Saint Dane (a really evil guy who wants to destroy everything). Bobby is told to go down the tracks and find the door with a star on it. he does and when he goes through it he ends up in a world called denduron. him and his uncle have to find a way to stop Saint Dane from destroying that and all the other territories (there are (i think) ten).

great books.

scale of one to ten:


First Chronicles of Thomas Covenant


A series written by a master of the craft. I am still reading the series, but even though I am not done with it yet, "I'm lovin' it!"

This book makes it into my top 10 favorite book list.

Picture this::

A man with leprosy, shunned by everyone, forced into a place of true beauty. A place where you can see the beauty and life in everything. A place where even someone with leprosy can feel again.

This man, Thomas Covenant, was forced from his own world, his own reality, and into a place where he believes himself crazy because hoping, dreaming, imagination, can kill someone with leprosy. He is believed to be a God almost because he is the wielder of White Gold. Something with immense power in The Land. He does not want anything to do with the land, but he is stuck there

He is on a quest to save the land, whether he wants to or not.

Right now, I am reading the second book in the series. Called: The Illearth War.

The list of the books in order can be found at the link below.


The Dark is Rising

The Dark is Rising series is a great read. When I was about 10 maybe, my grandmother bought me the entire series as a present. I couldn't put them down. It was a tremendous five novels.

It is about a boy. He is the youngest of, I think, seven. He becomes the youngest and last of the wizards. All the while during his journeys, he must keep the secret from his parents and brothers and sisters.

Great series. I would go a little more in detail, but it's been a while since I read them last.

Have a great one!

The Fifth Sorceress

The Fifth Sorceress is a great novel by Robert Newcomb. It is a book about a great nation recovering from an attack made hundreds of years previously. They were attacked by Sorceresses using the Vagaries (evil side of magic). Being able to use only the Vigors (good side of magic) themselves, the wizards were nearly defeated.
Hundreds of Years later the sorceresses are gone. Prince Tristen and his twin sister Shailiha (I may have spelled that wrong) are called the chosen ones. They "find themselves thrown into a world they hardly know and yet must save."

Harry Potter Series

Everyone should definitely read this series. I think it is one of the miracles of writing. Harry Potter is about a boy around eleven years old. He lives with his aunt and uncle. Harry is a wizard, but he doesn't know it. His aunt and uncle can't stand anything out of the ordinary, so they *dislike him greatly*. His cousin Dudley is a bully and twice his own size. As they word it in the book "the size of a baby whale".

One day a letter comes for Harry (which is surprising to everyone). His uncle takes it away and later burns it, but the next day another letter comes. They just keep coming. Eventually his uncle gets fed up and moves. The letter eventually gets to Harry and it tells him that he is a wizard and he is enrolled with Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

I wont tell anymore or the story wont be as good. Oh... I forgot to mention, Harry is the most famous wizard in the world, and he is being hunted by an evil wizard named Voldemort.